Thursday would be a SAG-prepared Deli lunch for all of us at Torch Lake, where Eminem, Michael Moore, and Jack Kevorkian's lawyer, Jeffery Fieger all had homes.
Turkey, cheese, artichoke bruchetta, cherry mustard, dried cherries, fresh nectarines, and chips. Quite tasty.
About 2 miles from our designated lunch spot, we spotted a passel of riders along side the road; looked like some of them were ours. True it was Jeff and Michelle, but they were in the assist mode for Dave and Deb whose tire had flatted. My floor pump would have been helpful except her tire was slashed; it was a tubeless tire, and Dave lived only 4 miles up the road. Easier for Kirk to take him home to get his truck to come back to the scene of the flat and carry Deb and both bikes back home. Cyclists are like that: friendly and helpful to all.
We found Castle Farms in Charlevoix. Kirk's and my tour of this remarkable restoration of what was once a cattle farm, was my first venture outside the car on the Circle Tour; maybe the light at the end of the tunnel is a little brighter now??

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