I began my role of SAGA, crewing/SAGGING for the Circle Tour riders 3-weeks post foot breakage. The good news is my foot seemed to be making excellent progress, really didn't hurt much, and I had shed my crutches entirely. I was still walking with quite the short-leg limp, but it felt good to walk unencumbered by sticks of some kind, even though I had a host of body aches from being biomechanically out of balance.
The down side was that it was now 4 weeks since my last time on the bike, the drama and trauma of the event was well passed, yet my routines for spiritual self-care were all scrambled at best and more often non-existent. Certainly the most significant of those routines was my meditation time on the bike.
I realized I hadn't blogged since my fall, I had barely been on FaceBook, and my text/email/phone connects with my peeps had been minimal. Kinda sounds like depression to me. At the 3-week mark I was still only half-way through the casted constraints so the end-of-the-tunnel light was still faint indeed. I was not enjoying being with myself and I'm sure Kirk was tired of my uninspiring self as well, although he remained his patient, accepting, supportive self.
And then there was The Longest Day, as recounted on the previous post. Hours of sitting in the car playing Angry Birds, Kirk reading, and my not having the interest or energy to Kindle read. YIKES, this was looking to be a long two weeks. How could I shift my brain chemistry??
Wednesday was the day I had the opportunity to talk to several of my peeps by phone, reconnected with a couple of others on line, began doing my Jin Shin Jyutsu again, and, and, my brain chemistry began to shift.
It was definitely a "Thank you, Jesus" kind of day!!
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