January found us on a Princess Ship cutting a path between the seas by day and planning our Tucson Trek by night. We returned home to Wilmette in time for the February 2nd blizzard, third largest in Chicago history, and all the incentive we needed to shout an affirmative to the call of Tucson.
What we knew by the time the snow was plowed from our front and back door and the garage door could once again rise and fall was:
- We would leave Chicago June 26th to begin our 99-day journey of transition after 40 Chicago-years child-bearing, child-rearing, child-marrying, and answering each of our calls to full-time service, Kirk as ordained Methodist clergy in 5 congregations, me as an addiction counselor and executive leader in several national addiction treatment programs.
- We would car-trip for 99 days to Tucson by way of New England, South GA for a family reunion, Charleston, SC, Williamsburg, my 1,300 mile, 17-day Circle Tour of Lake Michigan with some bike buddies and Kirk SAGGING for us, a shopping spree in Tucson to buy much-needed furniture, 2-3 weeks of exploration of Southern CA, and finally a welcome arrival in Tucson after the 100+ degree temps have dropped into the 80's (but it's a dry heat, you know).
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