Anyone can pull off an 800 mile car trip now and then, especially when they're 20-something. No one wants to do too many long-mile days when they have 97 back-2-back car trip days. Conveniently our 2nd day on the road would be our longest day of our 97 homeless days: 534 miles.
Camella, my Bacchetta Ti Aero rides expectantly in the back bay our our mini van hoping that most days she can get out to stretch her wheels. She (and I) hope we can find 200 miles a week to ride together on this 97-Day Trek.
And so, we christened the hop out-ride-hop-in model on Day 2. While Camella and I rode from Auburn, IN to Bryan, OH (34 miles), Kirk did his daily reading at the Auburn Starbucks. Reuniting in Bryan was a snap, but a long day it was all the way to Syracuse, where we spent our first married night August 2, 1969.
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