Monday, September 5, 2011

Wilmette, Glad To See Ya'

Lunch at Reza's with Michelle and Mark

Michelle would ride from Port Washington to Wilmette Friday, August 19th while Kirk and I busted it from the same Points A and B by car. Michelle would be SAGless today, her last 120 odd miles of the the 2011 Circle Tour.  Kirk needed to get to Toledo, OH that night to pick up his 90 year old Mom and her Octogenarian buddies at the Cleveland Airport mid-day on Saturday. Michelle and I would stay at a friend's house in Wilmette for a week while Kirk was at Chautauqua with the Gracious Ladies who, while at Chautauqua, dress alike. Pretty cute.

Mark and Jeff's garage in Wilmette had served as our staging venue since June 26th as we on and off-loaded various boxes and bags of gear needed for the various legs of our 99 Day Trek To Tucson. The Circle Tour represented Leg Two. Now he needed to clear out bike related stuff to make room for his Mom and her two friends and their related gear for their week in Chautauqua.

My heart went pitter-pat seeing my beloved Camella after three weeks storage in the garage. So at exactly 5 weeks post foot brake I hopped on and rode to our friends' house where Michelle and I would be staying. It was a 1.5 mile achy ride. Most discouraging. 

Saturday Michelle and I went out and tried a 4 mile ride. Good News, it was better than the day before. But, my Sidis were too tight on my broken foot. Keene's Pedal Sandal would answer the call. Sunday we rode 20 miles and Monday Mark, Michelle, and I rode 57. I think I'm back!!!!!!! 279 miles for my first 7 days back on the bike. So good to see my old familiar Chicagoland routes.

Lots of treatment for my foot while in the Wilmette area this week along with showing Michelle some our fave routes and Chicago sites.

Kirk, meanwhile, was at Chautauqua for an outstanding themed week on the Civil War. Even featured some of the African-American dramatic interpretation actors we had met a few weeks before while in Williamsburg!

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you on the bike again, even it was a slow, short ride. Hey, it's a start.
