Nasty coral bugger
The pool at G’ma’s was more popular than the hotel pool cuz it was diveable at the deep end. The pool deck at G’ma’s was actually quite lovely, too: imported coral. BUT, it was full of divots, imperfections, and just plain holes waiting to turn an ankle or break a foot. And that’s just what happened. As BBQ was being served I rolled my right foot in a divot and...
• it’s 4-6 weeks off the bike
• no weight bearing for at least 4 weeks which means crutches for the same length of time
• aircast/boot only because I’ll be car-bound for another 10,000 miles. Otherwise it would have been a non-weight-bearing cast
• no Circle Tour of Lake Michigan
• no helping Kirk drive most of the next 10,000 miles
• no getting SC, DE, MO, and KS under my bike wheels on this trip
I guess it’s a blessing that we’re on this trek. If we were at home living Wilmette life, I would be seriously curtailed with Kirk working FT and my being housebound unable to ride or drive.
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